Rehabilitation after surgery or certain medical procedures is a vital part of patient care. Often it is a long and difficult road back to normal life. Our doctors and staff gently and patiently guide them on their way. Rehabilitation can be explained under four heads
In most surgeries patients lose some body parts, for example in breast cancer, a breast, lymph nodes under the armpit and some muscle mass may be removed. In stomach surgery, part of the stomach is removed along with lymph nodes and fatty tissues.
The patient is tutored on what lifestyle changes they have to make to accommodate the new circumstances. Taking the same examples, when a breast is removed, that side is weaker than the other. Normal activities like bathing and dressing may be done using that hand and arm but nothing more strenuous. Weights should not be lifted. Even previously routine everyday tasks like making dough for chapathis should be avoided, with that hand. After stomach surgery, the patient will not be able to eat a full meal. They have to learn to eat small meals frequently.
Physiotherapists teach patients exercises to strengthen the part of the body that is weaker. Speech therapy is given after certain surgeries like head and neck surgeries. These exercises have to be done diligently.
The physical pain and difficulty is huge as it is, perhaps what affects the patient more is the psychological trauma of having to live with less than they were. The patient needs understanding and emotional support. Counselling is done to give them resilience, courage and acceptance. Cancer survivors share their experiences with them giving them immense reassurance.
Our team of nutritionists tutor the patients on what kind of food they have to eat to regain their normal strength and stay healthy. Food choices are very
The word cancer itself is taboo in most people’s minds. Being diagnosed with cancer is almost always a bolt from the blue, the kind of shock that turns life on its head. Losing a breast or hair or less visible parts like the stomach or colon can be hugely traumatic. Our staff, counsellors and survivors strive to reassure the patient and make them ready to face society again.
VS Medical Trust is a non- profit organisation founded in 2003 with a mission to provide access to affordable and quality cancer care for all.
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